Friday, February 13, 2004

MICHIGAN'S FISCAL CRISIS: Granholm's budget plan draws fire
Balancing proposals for $400 million in tax increases with $500 million in spending cuts, Gov. Jennifer Granholm unveiled a $39.7-billion state budget Thursday that sparked immediate criticism from various interests.

She said the proposal preserves essential services, especially public education and health care for poor people, without imposing new, across-the-board taxes and "without deterring job growth."

Some Republican lawmakers said the budget, which the GOP-controlled Legislature must now consider, relies too much on accounting gimmicks, but expressed a willingness to seek alternatives.

Funny, John Engler relied on accounting "gimmicks" all the time and not a peep out of the Pubs then.

All the Republicans seem to say is "cut government". Where? They never offer any specifics. Why? Because it would mean cutting programs for the poor, the elderly and the children, and they don't have the balls to come and out and say "let's stiff the little guy". They prefer to do their dirty work behind closed doors.

We have to pay the bills Michigan. What kind of state do you want to live in? Quality of life costs money.