Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Yahoo! News - Bush Portrays Kerry As a Waffler
WASHINGTON - President Bush, casting aside his desire to appear above the political fray, struck back at his Democratic critics, portraying presidential front-runner John Kerry as a waffler and warning that Democrats would raise taxes, expand government and fail to lead decisively on national security.

Let's take this apart piece by piece, shall we?

"Democrats would raise taxes"- My taxes are going up as a direct result of Republican tax cuts. Perhaps we should just declare bankruptcy instead of paying our bills, eh George? Nah, just pass it on down to the kids. Better yet, let's stiff the states so the blame for tax increases falls on someone other than who is responsible. I would love for the Dems to pull out the facts and figures of just how this budget was shaped to short-change the American people.

"expand government"- If I'm not mistaken, this administration has expanded government more than any other in recent history.

"fail to lead decisively on national security"- Would this leadership include blaming "faulty intelligence" for starting a war? How about the leadership that had no exit plan for ending that war? How about the underfunding for Homeland Security mandates? Spreading our troops too thin? Could we meet a "security crisis" here at home with our forces spread out over the world? If "leading decisively" means pissing off the rest of the world so they all hate us, well, George, you have done that. I feel sooooo safe now.

But he leveled his sharpest criticism yet at his rivals in a speech Monday night. Bush recalled terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, signaling his willingness to use the strikes for political gain, which his aides long had promised would not be done.

Good God, here comes Sept. 11th again. Best thing that ever happened to you, wasn't it George? It got you your war that made all your Daddy's friends rich(er), and now you can pull it out to instill fear into the sheep that follow you.

He's just started and already I am feeling violently ill.