Friday, March 05, 2004

From the Michigan Democratic Briefing:
Families Struggling Under Bush

Michigan Democrats said yesterday that the ads unveiled by the Bush-Cheney reelection campaign and scheduled to air in at least 50 media markets across the country will not change the mind of the millions of Michigan voters who fully understand the negative impact that the Bush administration's policies have had on the state's working families.

Since President George Bush Took Office:

- 121,487 more Michigan workers have become unemployed
- Michigan's unemployment rate has increased 65%
- 130,200 Michigan manufacturing jobs have been lost
- 46% of Michigan taxpayers will receive less than $100 from the latest 2004 tax cut.
- Michigan's number of uninsured has increased 12.5% and is now at 1.2 million
- 183,000 Michigan seniors pay more under the Bush Medicare prescription plan.