Friday, July 23, 2004

Yahoo! News - House Votes to Curb Same-Sex Marriage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill to curb same-sex marriage on Thursday after rejecting concerns the measure may be unconstitutional.

On a vote of 233-194, the House sent the proposal to the Senate where members of both parties said it will likely die. But it could help rev up an election-year issue.

Democrats accused Bush and fellow Republicans of pushing the proposals merely to rally their conservative base for the November congressional and presidential contests.

"This debate is about a national election," Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, said in opposing the bill. "We are playing with fire with this bill, and that fire could destroy the nation we love."

"I rise in defense of the Constitution, in defense of the separation of powers," said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat. "What's next? No judicial review of laws that restrict freedom of speech or religion?"

Basically this was a show for the folks back home, but rather frightening that they would vote to limit judicial powers just to attack an unpopular minority group.

I'm rapidly losing interest in politics. The fact that they can take time to appeal to the bigots amongst us, rather than deal with the important issues such as health care, really disgusts me.

From my Daily Gift-

Acceptance frees us.

Conflict can result from trying to change a person or situation that we don't like. And conflict causes stress and agitation, both of which limit our lives. They steal our ability to be open to opportunities for growth and change.

Why is it so hard to accept situations we don't like? Twelve Step programs tell us it's because of our ego. We feel diminished when others don't agree with our plan or our opinion. Our self-worth is tied to other people's reactions.

Therein lies the key. I shouldn't let the opinions of the small-minded agitate me so much. But it's kind of hard when they are out trying to pass laws that limit your personal freedom while calling you "immoral" and a "threat". One can only take so much abuse.