Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It's All About Blogging:

Having a hard time lately finding things to blog. The news seems repetitive: bombs in Iraq killing scores of people, hurricanes threatening Florida, the campaign with all it's daily negative attacks...it's all staring to blend into one big, depressing ball of insanity. The direction this country is going in disgusts and horrifies me.

Half thinking of quitting blogging, so if nothing comes up here you will know why.

Not going to enter the photo challenge this week- I can't find anything I really like and I'm kind of bummed that someone asked for a dq on my current pic. It's a mediocre picture at best- but as I've been reading the forums I realize there are a lot of paranoid, win-at-all-cost people out there. Overall it's a very friendly site with good, helpful folks, but the few bad apples are leaving a bad taste in my mouth right now. I'm sure I'll be back.

As you can tell I'm in a downer mood- work is totally draining me physically and mentally. Wish me luck.