Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Yahoo! News - Flood of New Voters Signing Up
New voters are flooding local election offices with paperwork, registering in significantly higher numbers than four years ago as attention to the presidential election runs high and an array of activist groups recruit would-be voters who could prove critical come Nov. 2.

Cleveland has seen nearly twice as many new voters register so far as compared with 2000; Philadelphia is having its biggest boom in new voters in 20 years; and counties are bringing in temporary workers and employees from other agencies to help process all the new registration forms.

Nationwide figures aren't yet available, but anecdotal evidence shows an upswing in many places, often urban but some rural. Some wonder whether the new voters — some of whom sign up at the insistence of workers paid by get-out-the-vote organizations — will actually make it to the polls on Election Day, but few dispute the registration boom.

This is one good thing that has come out of all of this ugliness- getting more people involved in the process. I would like to see registration deadines done away with; in Michigan it's Oct. 4th. Why so soon? I think you should be able to walk up on the day of election, prove that you live in the district with a license or whatever (this might require computers at the polling stations) and vote. I also would like to see elections on Saturdays, giving more working people time to get in.

Since all of this would favor the Democrats, I doubt that we will ever see it.