Monday, December 13, 2004

Yahoo! Sports - NFL - DREW SHARP: Mooch's hopes were gone with the wind
This franchise's never-ending saga of spontaneous combustion is liberally sprinkled with good intentions turned horrifyingly bad. Green Bay's 16-13 comeback win was but another chapter of the same old story.

You walk away from another blown opportunity and wonder, what the heck were they thinking?

I haven't blogged much about the Lions (for good reason) but yesterday took the cake. It was almost as if the teams switched uniforms at half time. The fact that sloppy GB is sitting in first place just shows how mediocre this division is.

The Lions committed seven penalties in the third quarter -- five on the Packers' first drive alone. They gave Green Bay 55 yards in penalties on that drive. That's more than half the length of the field that the Lions nicely gift-wrapped for the Packers on an extremely windy day.

Shaun Rogers was nailed twice for 15-yard personal fouls. And the Lions got two personal fouls on one play when Jared DeVries couldn't keep his mitts off Brett Favre's face mask and Rogers couldn't keep his big yap shut, complaining to the officials.

*sigh* Go for the draft picks, boys. This one is over.