Monday, December 19, 2005

That's the News....

  • George "Dictator" Bush vows to continue to spy on Americans, and if you don't like it, tough shit. You must be a terrorist. Coming next, little TV cameras in every home just so, you know, we can watch what you are doing. Maybe a little recorder in your car to see where you are driving. Don't worry, it's to "protect your freedom". And if you don't like it, why, you must be a terrorist. Who can argue with that?

  • Bush pulled a Rovian slip-of-the-tongue in his press conference Monday, substituting "Saddam" when he meant to say "Osama". Aides were quite impressed that it took him this long to verbally screw this up after four years of implying the two were connected.

  • Dick "Dick" Cheney finally made it to a combat zone after forty years of successful dodging. First thing his Iraqi hosts said was, "Leave. Get your troops and leave." Dick replied that was not an option. "Guess what! We are never leaving. How are the pipelines coming along?"

  • Harry Reid calls this Congress "the most corrupt in history". I really can't add to that.

  • NSA has a page on their website just for kids! Yes, kids, you too can spy on your neighbors, just like the President! Any resemblance to the "Youth League" and the "Spies" in the book "1984" are purely coincidental, but we are getting closer and closer everyday.

  • The fact that Bill "Transmission Through Tears" Frist has an AIDS charity is hard to believe. The fact that he is probably funneling big money donations from major corporations through it is not.