Wednesday, May 24, 2006


My state of mind today.

Main Entry: en·nui
Pronunciation: "än-'wE
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Old French enui annoyance, from enuier to annoy -- more at ANNOY
: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM

Datsa where I'm at with the news this morning- so you get another picture of a guy in a pink jersey! Lucky you!

Oh sure, I could go off on the Hypocritical DeVos Quote of the Day, that being-

"Nor is it fair to taxpayers or to businesses that are already here that Michigan has to hand over fat subsidies and tax breaks to attract customers."

I could dig up the millions of dollars in tax breaks the DeVos clan has enjoyed; it's easy enough. I would ask Dick if he plans on giving that money back if that is the way he feels. Or, I could talk about this paragraph...

DeVos also called for an "overhaul" of state government that would include merit pay for teachers and state workers. He said "thanks to overzealous bureaucrats and environmental extremists run amok" in agencies like the Department of Environmental Quality, Michigan families are paying the price in lost jobs and smaller paychecks.

... and ask Dick how he intends to pay for these merit increases after he guts the budget, or I could show that the "overzealous bureaucrats" he speaks of have been under Republican control in this state and this country for years now. (Don't make me dig up Engler's record on the DEQ. Or DNR. Whatever the hell it was called when he screwed it up.) Or, I could point out that if we continue to destroy the environment, it costs us more money in lost tourism and increased health issues, dummy. To put it bluntly, you don't shit where you eat, Dick.

I could do all that. Maybe I just did.

Back to ennui and pink jerseys though. Sometimes paying attention to politics has all the appeal of watching a bunch of junior high school kids in a nasty food fight. They're loud, they're obnoxious, and they make a big mess. It's fascinating at first, but after awhile it gets old. And annoying.