Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Strategic Vision October Poll: Granholm 47 DeVos 43

Thanks go out to Nirmal for pointing this poll out. Wish we could get an EPIC.

If the election for Governor were held today, whom would you vote for Jennifer Granholm, the Democrat or Dick DeVos, the Republican?

Jennifer Granholm 47%

Dick DeVos 43%

Undecided 10%

The undecideds seem awful high compared to other polls. Last month SV had Granholm leading 47-46 with 7 undecided- seems to indicate that DeVos has lost ground and Granholm is just holding steady.

This question is intriguing-

Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's handling of the economy?

Approve 25%

Disapprove 66%

Undecided 9%

So why would Michigan even consider electing DeVos, who has the same tax cut "plan" for the economy as Bush?

Things that make you go "hmmmmm."

Stabenow's race is narrowing like I thought it would, but not by much.

If the election for United States Senate were held today, whom would you vote for Debbie Stabenow, the Democrat or Mike Bouchard, the Republican?

Debbie Stabenow 48%

Mike Bouchard 42%

Undecided 10%

Last month 51-44 Stabenow, and again the undecideds jump. Very odd.

Nirmal has a graph on the trend lines here.

Where is Fast Eddie when you need him? ;-)