Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"The gentleman from Michigan is recognized for one minute"

In this new era of bipartisanship, it would probably be wrong for me to tell Mike Bishop to "eat your heart out", so I won't do that. But this was just so cool to see that I had to share it with the rest of you.

Congressman Mark Schauer, on SCHIP:

Mr. SCHAUER. Madam Speaker, I came to Washington to be a voice for those in my State who are hurting.

H.R. 2 will help children and families who are victims of our economic crisis; 100,000 children in Michigan lack health insurance. That is immoral and weakens our economy. This bill ensures comprehensive health care coverage for children, and is an investment in prevention and approved overall health status for America.

With Michigan's economy in crisis, with our Nation's economy struggling, with our families losing health insurance due to this recession and unfair trade, now is exactly the right time, colleagues, to act, to cover 11 million children with the health care coverage they deserve and need.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about.