Saturday, December 18, 2010

Senate Cloture Vote on Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Passes 63-33

Oh my. I do believe we will have to pass Gary Glenn the smelling salts.

The United States Senate gets one right, and equality takes another step forward.

The Senate has passed a major procedural vote on the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, making it extremely likely that the military's controversial ban on openly gay service-members will end soon.

Congratulations to all those that want to serve their country with honor and honesty - pretty soon, you will be free to do so. And thanks to all who fought so hard to make this happen.

Progress comes slow sometimes, but it will come if you persevere. Always remember that.

UPDATE: Must-read diary at Kos: The Triumph of a Movement! that shows the history behind this victory - a long, long time in the making. Also, the final vote for passage will be held at 3PM today. Let the celebrations begin!

UPDATE II: Final vote 65-31. It's off to the President for signature.