Sunday, December 28, 2003

It's All About Me:

The Top 10 of 2003 (in no particular order except the first)

My Dad surviving a near stroke in early July. Everything that came after would have been altered immeasurably had that gone bad. The joy of the Cubs would have been hollow, seeing the final LOTR would have been empty, the Republicans would seem more evil…. Words cannot describe how my life would have been changed, so I’ll leave it at that. I am one lucky person.

Finding out what was wrong with EC (my 17 yr old cat-she has CRF) and beginning treatment that has improved the time and life she has left. She still is doing pretty well, and to think that I had her written off. God bless the fine folks at the Plymouth Road Animal Clinic.

This computer and subsequently getting cable Internet. Zoom! Changed the direction of my life, good or bad, I’m not sure yet. Good because I am writing more, tapping my creativity, bad because I have become an Internet junkie. I can’t imagine life without it now.

The purple Saturn, Barney. I love this car! It got me to many ballgames, out to visit Scott, all around town and once to the Lake, it has just improved my life ever so much. It’s great to drive.

Meeting Ryne Sandberg. ‘Nuff said.

The blow-up on my birthday with Kristin. While it definitely wasn’t a “good time”, it did interrupt what was becoming that all too familiar pattern with her- if there is even to be a friendship between us (yet another) break was needed. I actually had a great b-day though, (I think it was in spite of Kristin- I felt "free" in a way), lunch and stuff from Mom, the Whitecaps won the game…

The drives to Chicago on Fridays. I really enjoy doing this- it gets me out of the workplace, out of the state, and into thinking about the great big old world. It’s meditative in a way, and I hope that I can continue to do this as long as I am at AE.

Baseball been berry, berry good to me. The Cubs…what can I say. So proud of their accomplishment. What a team. What a year. What a lot of fun. Although the Whitecaps weren’t a very good team this year, I enjoyed every minute I spent out at 5/3rd Park- 39 games total. I’m grateful I had the time, money (it's so cheap!) and opportunity to do that. I love the place. I can’t wait for spring. (Special sports nod to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who won the Super Bowl last January. Way to go guys, that was a great time!)

Waking up early New Year’s Day and walking the beach on Anna Maria, in the light of the rising eastern Sun and the western setting of the Moon over the clear Gulf of Mexico. It was gorgeous, magical, invigorating. One of those flashbulb memories. (I hope that I make next year’s top 10 from that location!)

Sitting five feet away from Shawn Colvin on Labor Day weekend. It was like being at the foot of a God. The woman is awesome.

Honorable mention: Jennifer Granholm and her amazing job with the cuts facing the State of Michigan. She got the Repubs to give up 25 whole dollars! That has to count for something.

( I reserve the right to add to this if I remember anything else in the next few days)