Friday, March 19, 2004

Yahoo! News - Mich. Bars to Get Breath Testing Machines
Rockford is the first U.S. municipality to buy the Alcohol Alert machines from KeRo Corp., said Ken Stoll, who heads the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company.

They are expected to be installed in the Rogue River Tavern and The Corner Bar in May. Sam's Joint is demurring, saying the machine might give the wrong impression to patrons of the family oriented restaurant.

Officials in the southwestern Michigan community of about 4,600 believe the initiative will be a boon for bartenders who are required by law not to serve patrons they believe to be intoxicated.

For 50 cents, drinkers blow through a straw and into the computerized machine, which provides a digital readout and a vocal accounting of the test results — and possibly enough reason to seek a ride home.

Great idea EXCEPT that patrons should be reminded that BA levels fluctuate- the machine says you're at .07 but that last drink hasn't hit the blood level yet- will the bar owners then be liable if a customer has a printed slip that shows them lower than the limit? (maybe it doesn't print slips- the one at the jail did- heh)