Thursday, December 02, 2004

Yahoo! News - Bush Seeks Canada's Help in Iraq, Mideast
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia - President Bush asked Canadians on Wednesday to move beyond their deep opposition to the Iraq war and get behind his vision of democracies blooming from Baghdad to the West Bank.

"Sometimes even the closest of friends disagree, and two years ago we disagreed about the course of action in Iraq," Bush said, standing at the side of Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.

But, Bush said, "there is no disagreement at all with what has to be done in going forward. We must help the Iraqi people secure their country and build a free and democratic society."

Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien refused to send Canadian troops to Iraq, and polls show more than 80 percent of Canadians still support that decision.

It took Bush nearly four years to make an official visit to Canada, though he's been twice before for global summits. He did not make Canada his first foreign visit, as many of his predecessors did.

It takes Bush four years to visit, three years to say "thank you" for their help on 9-11, and he wants them to pony up money and or troops for his plans of Middle East domination? Riiiiight. Way to make friends there, George.