Friday, December 24, 2004

Yahoo! News - Cloned Cat Sale Generates Ethics Debate
SAN FRANCISCO - The first cloned-to-order pet sold in the United States is named Little Nicky, a 9-week-old kitten delivered to a Texas woman saddened by the loss of a cat she had owned for 17 years.

The kitten cost its owner $50,000 and was created from DNA from her beloved cat, named Nicky, who died last year.

Yet while Little Nicky, who was delivered two weeks ago, frolics in his new home, the kitten's creation and sale has reignited fierce ethical and scientific debate over cloning technology, which is rapidly advancing.

The company that created Little Nicky, Sausalito-based Genetic Savings and Clone, said it hopes by May to have produced the world's first cloned dog — a much more lucrative market than cats.

I'm of two minds on this. While I think that $50k for a cat is a bit excessive, with so many unwanted cats being put to sleep or going homeless, I can see the benefits to cloning endangered animals. (Not that housecats are endangered animals, but what the hell, better that than say, a Hummer.) Research on clones will also offer a lot in the way of "nature vs. nurture" studies.

Wait till they clone a monkey. The ethical debate will really fly far until they clone a human? Fascinating and creepy all at the same time.