Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Republicans Enthusiastic About Alito - Yahoo! News
Of course they are. With nothing positive to show for their horrific record of big government out of control pork spending and endless criminal scandals, they have to fall back on that tried and true position of beating up on half the country. Makes 'em think they are tough. It appeals to the simple minded among us who think that might makes right and money is everything. It's all part of the Culture of Corruption. Lie, cheat, steal, and then whine incessantly when they are caught. They are nothing but bullies.

The Republican Party is the party of endless civil war in America. Rich vs. Poor. White vs. Minority. Men vs. Women. Straight vs. Gay. Christian vs. well, everyone else. When all else fails, it's back to fighting amongst ourselves. They are the dividers.

It's the only thing they have going for them. Aren't we tired of this yet?

WASHINGTON - The White House got the reaction it hoped for out of its third Supreme Court nominee, federal appeals judge Samuel Alito: immediate acceptance from the conservatives who helped torpedo President Bush's previous pick.

But abortion rights Democrats are openly talking about trying to block the New Jersey jurist.

"The filibuster's on the table," Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California said as Alito headed back to Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Alito is courting Republicans crucial to his attempt to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

Way to go, Barbara! The only Dem with enough balls to come out and say it!

But Alito found steadfast support after Bush announced his selection, with GOP senators saying he deserved a Senate confirmation vote and threatening to eliminate judicial filibusters if Democrats try to block the White House's newest high court nominee.

"If someone would filibuster ... I would be prepared to vote to change the rules," said Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio.

Here's a perfect example of Republican ethics. If they can't win the game, they will change the rules. They can't be fair. They can't listen to "the other side". They can't compromise, ever. Doesn't matter if people get hurt. Doesn't matter if they are voting against their constituents best interest. They must win at all costs, even if that victory ends up hurting them and the country in the end.

Is this really the kind of leadership we want? A bunch of petulant children who demand they get their way? Government by two-year-olds?

Frist said he's ready to move against judicial filibusters, using what Republicans call the "constitutional option," if Democrats force him to. "If a filibuster comes back, I'm not going to hesitate," he told "The Tony Snow Show" on Fox News.

OK. Let's do it. Let's change the rules. That way when Hillary is President, you guys will have no ammunition left. We can pick the most liberal bleeding heart judges we can find and they get to sail on through.

Karma is a bitch, and the Republicans got a whole heap of nasty karma coming their way.