Tuesday, February 14, 2006

WZZM13 GRAND RAPIDS- New Play Puts Strom Thurmond in "Limbo"
Channel 13's website comes up with some real wacky stuff sometimes. Kudos to them- their web content is head and shoulders above Channel 8.

This one gave me a big laugh this morning.

(Columbia) - A new play is asking a provocative question: will Strom Thurmond go to heaven or hell?

Thurmond died in June of 2003 at the age of 100, capping one of the most high-profile political careers in South Carolina history. During his years of public service, he became governor, ran for president, and had the longest tenure ever in the United States Senate.

Now though, his life is being put on trial in a production performed at Columbia's Trustus Theatre called 'Strom in Limbo'.

The premise of the performance is that Thurmond has just died and is now on trial to determine if he's going to heaven or hell. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the presiding judge.

The play touches on the controversial aspects of Thurmond's life, including his pro-segregation stance in his early political career, which included his 1948 run for president as a 'Dixiecrat'. In later years, Thurmond said he supported equal rights for all.

Throughout the play, the audience hears testimony from a series of people with whom Thurmond crossed paths during his life.

'Strom in Limbo' actors say it's a show worth seeing whether you like Thurmond or not.

For added entertainment, Trustus Theatre will put a ballot box out as people are leaving to let them decide which way Thurmond should go.

Trustus is in South Carolina, so it's doubtful that anyone from West Michigan would end up seeing this, but still...funny stuff.