Thursday, August 17, 2006

Attack ad No. 2 from DeVos- coming soon to a TV near you

Wow- From the guy who doesn't want to get "muddy", here is attack ad number two. Rick Albin ran one of his famous a "claim checks" tonight and has a few clips from Dick's new ad; something tells me it hits tomorrow. It's one of the "man on the street" opinion ads telling us how all these well-fed, middle class white people are disappointed in the Governor. Apparently she didn't get them that tax break for the cottage out at the beach, or something.

Who is being a demagogue here?

Seems Dick's ads are full of whiny, emotionally manipulative people, the kind of people you just don't want to be around because they never have enough of whatever it is they are complaining about today. They are being deprived of their God-given American right to have it all, to have it now, and to have it at a low cost.

You know, Republicans. ;-)

EDIT: 7:15am 8/18- I see Dick is back on the 'net too- I think he bought all the Detroit News advertising space. Interestingly enough (or not), he trots out the Big Lies once again-

"Grand Rapids was a mess" (no, it wasn't)
"Losing a job every ten minutes" (no, we aren't)
"Dick DeVos is a jobs maker" (no, he isn't)

The graphics are sloppy, too. Forgive me if I link to stories that slap you in the face with the Dick- I'm going to try to avoid it but I don't see how I can if I'm feeding off the Detroit or mlive papers.