Monday, August 06, 2007

Jackson Citizen Patriot blogs on Bishop censorship

Instant news. That's what it's all about.

Thanks go to Chad Livengood and the Jackson CitPat for getting this story to the electronic press.

If you're a Michigan Senator, you can still read this blog -- for now.

There's quite a hubbub in Lansing today over Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop's decision to block Senate computers from accessing a liberal blog called

Apparently Bishop's staff doesn't want Senate employees wasting taxpayer time as they diligently work to solve the state's budget crisis.

At this point, BFM has heard many different excuses as to why Bishop doesn't want the Senate to see our work. I'm really curious as to the real reason. I tend to think it's this-

Bishop's chief of staff, Matt Miner, ordered the blog be blocked on Thursday.

Other political blogs, such as and, were not blocked.

" doesn't matter, they don't say bad things about us," Miner told MIRS, a daily political newsletter.

So, if you say good things about the Senate Republicans, you are probably OK. But don't count on it.

Go read Chad's piece. Show the Jackson CitPat some love for addressing the issue of censorship.

After all, you could be next.