Friday, November 09, 2007

House replaces tax, DeRoche up past bedtime once again

(UPDATE: Here's a link to the House Dems release and a list of businesses that support the compromise)

Seriously, people, put that kid to bed earlier, would you? Getting a little tired of the late night tantrums from the "Let's Just Cut the Poor People" House Republicans.

Last night the House voted to repeal and replace the services taxes, but not before Cranky Craig pitched his usual fit.

The state House on Thursday passed a bill that would kill a much-maligned tax on services and replace hundreds of millions in lost revenue by raising Michigan's main business tax.

The bill passed by a 58-48 vote. Democrats in the majority supported it, while all but two Republicans opposed the measure.

Most businesses are satisfied, others have concerns of course, call your accountant for more information, but the fact is, it got done, thanks to the House Democrats.

The service tax is scheduled to take effect Dec. 1. Lawmakers were planning a two-week recess beginning today, but the Senate tentatively decided to come back to work Tuesday and Nov. 20 and could take up the service tax replacement legislation then. The House also has scheduled tentative session on those days.

"This is a signal to the business community that we're going to be responsible and do the right thing," said House Speaker Andy Dillon, D-Redford Township after passage of the bill.

Craig would have none of that "responsibility" stuff. Even though he knows that the Governor would never sign a bill that doesn't include full replacement, he proclaimed that the original deal is now broken, we should go after the children and the sick instead, and generally create utter chaos with the entire budget.

Keep in mind that House Republicans wouldn't vote for the cuts in the first place. Also keep in mind that they overwhelmingly supported spending the money that this revenue produces. From Gongwer-

Mr. DeRoche said in the past there were are budget cuts some Democrats have voted for, such as cutting Wayne County Community Mental Health, making welfare reforms and taking away Medicaid for 19 and 20-year-olds, that should be done instead of asking businesses to pay more in taxes and pitting groups against each other.  He said if there is no more service tax the budget agreement is broken, the budget targets no longer exist, and the budget should be reopened and cuts negotiated.

Nice guy, huh? And, can you imagine re-opening the entire budget at this point? Lunacy.

DeRoche then took a healthy swipe and Dillon and the Democrats, and I bet some more people lose their parking spaces over this one...

go get 'em Andy, over the flip...
The Republicans wanted to add amendments that would have simply repealed the tax (which would never fly), the Democrats moved on to get the job done. DeRoche didn't like that. This one comes from MIRS-

"Andy and I had a deal on those procedural votes" DeRoche told MIRS. "But then he came over and said he wasn't a strong enough leader to stick to his deal. Basically he went back on his word in order to appease a few goof balls in his caucus."

Is that verbatim, Craig? Did Andy really say that to you? Doubtful.

But Dillon spokesman Greg BIRD said it was DeRoche and the Republicans who were out-of-line.

"It's unfortunate that those across the aisle are playing politics with this important issue," Bird said. "The real story tonight is that the House Democrats voted to end this tax that everyone agreed should be eliminated. We did so with replacement revenues that were supported by several groups within the business community. We protected education, health and public safety in Michigan."

Yes, once again House Republicans were out of line, and once again the adults took charge and did the job.

This goes to the Senate now, and Marsden is taking the "I'll think about it tomorrow" approach. Could have sworn it was the Senate Republicans that were all up in arms to get this accomplished and were complaining that they were waiting on the House... but when it comes time for them to move...

"We'll move something when we're satisfied that it's sound policy," he added.

OK, you do that.

Meanwhile, the Democrats got the job done in a way that will work to preserve the budget and let us move on from this mess. If the Senate wants to obstruct at this point, they can go tell the business community why it all fell apart.

See ya next week.