Friday, April 18, 2008


Anyone feel it? I was up, but didn't notice anything.

Phone calls and e-mails continue to flow into the 24 Hour News 8 newsroom as people across West Michigan report feeling an earthquake in the area.

A 5.4 earthquake in Illinois has rocked people awake as far away as Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky, surprising residents unaccustomed to such a large temblor in the Midwest.

The quake just before 5:37 a.m. EDT was centered 6 miles from West Salem, Ill., and 66 miles from Evansville, Ind.

The quake shook tall buildings in Chicago's Loop, 240 miles north of the epicenter, and in downtown Indianapolis, about 160 miles northeast of the epicenter.

I can remember one in the early 90s here - I was living in a third floor apartment and felt the building move. Missed this one.

TV is going nuts over here with this.