Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stem Cell Research Opponents Using Deceptive Advertising

Call it "The Season of the Big Lie". Taking a tip from their Republican brethren, opponents of Proposition 2, the stem cell research ballot proposal, have decided that they, too, can use advertising that stretches the boundaries of "truthiness".

Opponents of Proposal 2 launched a TV ad Monday saying the proposal on the November ballot "is too costly to Michigan taxpayers."

A spokesman for the group acknowledged the proposal does not have any provisions for government funding of research or higher taxes.

But the group called Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation says that will be the next step if voters approve the proposal.

They know they can't win this argument, so instead they pull out their favorite weapon of "taxes" - even though this proposal has nothing to do with taxes. Chances are it doesn't stick in people's minds - but it can be used as just another example of the depths the extreme right will go to in pushing for their agenda. This year, they have decided to just flat-out lie about everything.

Oh, and by the way, this little tidbit in MIRS the other day was interesting: Right to Life is being "instructed" to keep their mouths shut on this issue. Although the Lansing branch will send a flyer out in support of a banquet they are holding that mentions stem cell research, the big boys will stay silent on RTL's involvement in defeating this proposal.

In a related development, Ed RIVET from RTL and Paul LONG from the Michigan Catholic Conference have been very vocal on the stem cell question, but they've been instructed not to talk to the media during this fall campaign. Doyle, spokesman for Michigan Citizens Against Unrestricted Science and Experimentation (MiCAUSE), advised the two to adopt that strategy.

Gotta keep the extremists in the closet, ya know.