Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"It's OK If You're A Senate Republican"

Matt Marsden, taking a shot a Mark Schauer, 8/13/08. All from MIRS-

"Mark Schauer might want to get off the campaign trail and start paying attention to what's going on in Lansing," Marsden said, referring to Schauer's race in the 7th Congressional District against U.S. Rep. Tim WALBERG (R-Tipton).

A fun fact - the Senate only met twice in July of '08 (17th and the 24th), and twice in August of '08 (13th and the 27th). Not exactly sure what Mark Schauer was supposed to be "paying attention to" when the Republicans were at the beach and ignoring the energy legislation, but apparently he should have been there just in case they decided to show up and work. Or something.

Fast forward to today, and the accommodations that can be made... if you're a Republican. Committee assignments are being switched around; McManus is off of Finance and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education...

McManus said the process wasn't official, so she declined to comment on specific assignments, but she stressed that she's chairing for the next two years the joint Capital Outlay Committee, which she said will be "very time-consuming." She'll also remain Chair of the Campaign and Election Oversight and Natural Resources committees.

... and the Senate Republicans concede they are looking to the next election cycle.

"It's important that we have returning members on committees to create a seamless process as we move into 2010," said GOP caucus spokesman Matt MARSDEN. "Sen. McManus can also focus more on her Secretary of State run."

Already ahead of ya there, Matt. McManus is definitely all about McManus.

"I'm not worried about who's running; I'm worried about Michelle McManus and what I intend to do as the next Secretary of State," she said.

Priorities, you see. Being the Senator from the 35th might figure in there somewhere in the next two years, but it's obviously not at the top of the list.