Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Send In Your Census Form Yet?


C'mon. It's important. In a shocking editorial break from Michele Bachmann, even the anti-government DNews says so.

The numbers being collected are powerful. They're used to set up congressional districts and determine how many seats we have in the U.S. House of Representatives. They're used to divvy up Electoral College seats among the states, affecting not only how much clout we have in choosing presidents but how often the contenders will want to campaign here.

Census counts also determine how billions of dollars in federal funds -- our own tax dollars included -- are distributed.

A special note to all the teabagger and militia types out there who think you are being rebellious and stuff by not turning in your census form:

Look. If you are going to go all tinfoil and get seriously crazy over false anti-Obama internet rumors and then cost the government massive amounts of money when we have to first stop you from your dangerous activities only to then have to turn around pay for your public defenders too, well, we really need you to fill these things out. Chances are we can bill the feds for most of your mess, but it's almost guaranteed that the state incurred some expense somewhere over this, and we simply can't afford it.

So be a pal and do your duty. It may be your own public defender on the line if you don't. Thanks for your cooperation, and have a nice day.