Thursday, May 20, 2004

Yahoo! News - Kerry, Rival Nader Discuss White House Bids
Although Iraq has emerged as a major issue between the two campaigns -- Nader has called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and Kerry, like President Bush, wants to stay the course -- the aide said the two men did not discuss their differences during the hour-long meeting.

Ignoring pleas from Democrats earlier this year to stay out of the race, Nader threw his hat into the ring saying he wanted to challenge the two parties' stranglehold on the political process and their shared addiction to corporate interests.

The Kerry aide, who was in Wednesday's meeting, said Nader made that same argument.

"He believes he is helping John Kerry by doing this," the aide said. "That he can provide a sharper counterpoint to Bush and that the Democratic Party over the past 10 years has not been particularly tough on these issues."

While the right embraces it's radical members, the left seemingly ignores the concerns of it's own in a bid to capture the "moderates". This, to me, is where the Democratic Party is failing. Even I want to vote for Nader. He speaks more to me than Kerry ever will.

Will he throw his support to Kerry in the end? I hope so. His anti-war message will grow more appealing and siphon more votes as time goes on.