Monday, August 30, 2004

It's All About Insanity:

How does one deal with a crazy person? I don't mean 'crazy 'in a derogative way, it just fits the description of events with Kristin lately. (as always) I place no stigma on the word.

In a nutshell, nothing I do is right. I can't say anything. I can't do anything. I can't set boundaries in my life with her getting pissed off because she wants/needs something from me RIGHT NOW. Usually 'right now' is in the middle of the night after she's been drinking. Especially if it's a work night and I have specifically told her not to call me that late. She will call me up and proceed to give me a list of how I have hurt her feelings; little nit-picky shit that a normal person will blow off. But with Kristin, I'm this horrible monster for.....what? Trying to bend over backwards not to step on her toes? Doesn't matter, I could be an angel and she will find something to complain about. Shit, if I wore a purple shirt she would claim that I was purposely doing it to hurt her. This has happenend the last two times I have spent time with her. I'm at the point where I really just don't want to see her or talk to her because she will find something to abuse me over.

I wouldn't let her stay over Saturday night. After spending the whole day with her, including picking her up, renting her movies, buying her a pizza, etc. etc. trying to have a nice time, she threw an emotional tantrum because I didn't want her to sleep over on the couch. I don't want to get back into that pattern. I'm trying to have a normal friendship and keep my own space. But it's been proven to me over the past few weeks that that is impossible. She just wants to fight and take out her emotional problems on me. She is miserable in her life and wants everybody else to pay for it.

So, the friendship(?) is over, at least in my mind. But the fight probably isn't. As long as she knows where I live/work, she will always be back.

Thinking of changing my phone number again.

Wish I had an answer for this. I think the answer has to be that as long as she is drinking, or coming off a drunken binge, I cannot be around her, which effectively ends everything because I don't believe that she will ever quit. There is no hope left.

I'm blogging this because I just need to vent a little before I go into work. I'm deathly afraid that she will use this as an excuse to cause harm to herself, and I don't want to deal with the guilt that might cause ME. I have a hard time caring about what it might do to her. How selfish is that? But that's what it comes to. I feel like I have to be in a self-protecting mode so she can't hurt me anymore.

Got to go.