Friday, November 05, 2004

Yahoo! News - Bush 2nd-Term Agenda Would Add Big Costs
WASHINGTON - With federal deficits already running amok, it is unclear how President Bush will pay for his second-term agenda, a potentially multitrillion-dollar smorgasbord that includes overhauling Social Security and revamping the tax system.

Bush laid out lofty goals Thursday at his first news conference since his Election Day triumph. He said he wanted to buttress Social Security, simplify the tax system, strengthen the economy, fight terrorism, bolster education, and battle AIDS and poverty abroad.

"I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it," the president said.

But all the political capital in the world won't pay for his pricey priorities. And unlike four years ago, when his first term began amid projections for $5.6 trillion in federal surpluses over the next decade, the budget's future looks bleak.

You wanted him, you got him America. Now your kids get to pay. And your elderly parents. Battle Aids and poverty abroad? We might have some poverty we have to deal with here first.