Friday, April 01, 2005

Yahoo! News - DeLay Targets Legal System in Schiavo Case
Oh look! Here's Tom again! And he's still being a fascist dickhead! What a surprise!
WASHINGTON - House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Thursday blamed Terri Schiavo's death on what he contended was a failed legal system and he raised the possibility of trying to impeach some of the federal judges in the case.

"The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior," said DeLay, R-Texas.

But a leading Democratic senator said DeLay's comments were "irresponsible and reprehensible." Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said DeLay should make sure that people know he is not advocating violence against judges.

DeLay, the second-ranking House GOP lawmaker, helped lead congressional efforts 10 days ago to enact legislation designed to prod the federal courts into ordering the reinsertion of Schiavo's feeding tube. He said the courts' refusal to do just that was a "perfect example of an out of control judiciary."

Asked about the possibility of the House's bringing impeachment charges against judges in the Schiavo case, DeLay said, "There's plenty of time to look into that."

Joining DeLay in taking issue with the judiciary was Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., who said, "The actions on the part of the Florida court and the U.S. Supreme Court are unconscionable." Also, GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina said the case "saw a state judge completely ignore a congressional committees subpoena and insult its intent" and "a federal court not only reject, but deride the very law that Congress passed."

DeLay said he would make sure that the GOP-controlled House "will look at an arrogant and out of control judiciary that thumbs its nose at Congress and the president."

Heh heh. You do that, boys. You attack the whole freakin' judicial system, right on up to the Supreme Court. Never mind that an overwhelming majority of the judges on this case were appointed by Republicans- they were YOUR judges. Never mind that the overwhelming majority of Americans support the rule of law. You keep it up, Tom.

Matter of fact, let's insist that all Republicans MUST stand behind Tom. You bought him, you own him. Let him be the anchor around your neck as you drift into deeper water.

Conservative leaders say defending House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is a litmus test for any Republican lawmaker seeking their support, even as a liberal advocacy group announced yesterday it will run commercials questioning Mr. DeLay's ethics in some House Republicans' districts.

"Tom DeLay is the chosen leader of his party in the House. He needs to be held accountable, and so should House Republicans, who have to choose between DeLay and decency," said Ellen Miller, deputy director of the Campaign for America's Future, which will run $75,000 in ads on television in Washington and in Houston, near Mr. DeLay's congressional district.

But conservatives say the attacks against Mr. DeLay are against the broader conservative movement, and many of them met last week in Washington to plot a defense.

"I think in the last couple of weeks, it's become apparent to many conservative groups in Washington that this is really, in many ways, an attack on them and their ideas, using Mr. DeLay as the surrogate target," said Gary Bauer, chairman of the Campaign for Working Families, a political action committee.

Morton Blackwell, Republican National Committee member from Virginia and a member of ACU's board, said Republicans are being told support for Mr. DeLay is mandatory if they want future support from conservatives.

"Conservative leaders across the country are working now to make sure that any politician who hopes to have conservative support in the future had better be in the forefront as we attack those who attack Tom DeLay," he said.

Back to playing the "victim" card. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger group of whiners in my life. You look at them funny and they take it as a personal affront to all that they stand for and claim that they are "under attack".

Watch for these guys to abandon Tom quickly when the shit really goes down. This is just more bluster amongst the endless bluster.

Or, he can tear the party right in two, which would be fine by me.