Friday, April 01, 2005

Pat Buchanan Doused With Salad Dressing
Pat...Pat...whattsa matta Pat? Someone take issue? {insert big evil grin here}

(Edit at 6 PM- OK, after seeing the tape I feel a little sorry for Pat. He's an old guy, and it probably scared the hell out of him. So, I'm torn between pity and chuckles here. After all, he did advocate using Federal marshalls to intervene in the Schiavo case. And he still is a bigot of the highest order. Does that justify the salad dressing attack?, I guess not. But it's kinda funny.

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) -- Commentator and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan cut short an appearance after an opponent of his conservative views doused him with salad dressing.

"Stop the bigotry!" the demonstrator shouted as he hurled the liquid Thursday night during the program at Western Michigan University. The incident came just two days after another noted conservative, William Kristol, was struck by a pie during an appearance at a college in Indiana.

After he was hit, Buchanan cut short his question-and-answer session with the audience, saying, "Thank you all for coming, but I'm going to have to get my hair washed."

The demonstrator, identified by authorities as a 24-year-old student at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, was arrested and faces a misdemeanor charge of disturbing the peace. He was released on a $100 cash bond, pending his April 14 arraignment.

"He could have faced a felony assault charge, but Pat Buchanan decided to not press that charge," university spokesman Matt Kurz said.

Buchanan's visit had evoked controversy on campus because it fell on the birthday of the late Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez. Buchanan favors tighter controls on immigration.

From now on they should add "food products" to the list of banned items at functions such as these.