Friday, April 01, 2005

Yahoo! News - Ill. Druggists Must Dispense Birth Control
Good deal.

CHICAGO - Gov. Rod Blagojevich approved an emergency rule Friday requiring pharmacies to fill birth control prescriptions quickly after a Chicago pharmacist refused to fill an order because of moral opposition to the drug.

The emergency rule takes effect immediately for 150 days while the administration seeks a permanent rule.

"Our regulation says that if a woman goes to a pharmacy with a prescription for birth control, the pharmacy or the pharmacist is not allowed to discriminate or to choose who he sells it to," Blagojevich said. "No delays. No hassles. No lectures."

Under the new rule, if a pharmacist does not fill the prescription because of a moral objection, another pharmacist must be available to fill it without delay.

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation has also filed a formal complaint against the Chicago Osco pharmacy for the Feb. 23 incident.

The pharmacy was cited for "failing to provide appropriate pharmaceutical care to a patient." Penalties could include a fine, reprimand or revocation of the pharmacy's license.

Sounds perfect. If the pharmacy choses to employ pharmacists that have "moral" issues with perfectly legal and necessary drugs, then that pharmacy can keep two pharmacists on hand to make sure those prescriptions get filled.

Let's nip this shit right in the bud. We can't have health care professionals injecting their personal religious views into other people's medical needs.