Monday, September 18, 2006

Thomas to Dems: Don't be GOP-lite

As I was just sayin'...

TROY - White House correspondent Helen Thomas, known for grilling presidents from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush, had blunt words for both Democrats and the nation's Republican leader Sunday.

"Moderate Democrats dominate the party - GOP-lite," said Thomas, finding little difference between Republicans and moderate Democrats.

Thomas was the keynote speaker at the county Democratic Party's 46th annual Phil Hart Dinner, a party fundraiser, which drew more than 300 of the party's hopeful faithful to the $85-a-plate event.

"Democrats should be shouting from the rooftops against Bush's war of choice," said the 86-year-old Detroit native and Wayne State University graduate, who tempered her criticisms with humorous recollections of her decades covering the White House.

Granted, Helen and I were talking about two different things- but the message is the same. Democrats need to stand up- and it should be easy to do given how down everyone is on the GOP is right now.

You would think, anyway.