Thursday, September 27, 2007

Granholm to address the state tonight at 6:05PM

Breaking on the noon news- Governor Granholm will address the state tonight at 6:05PM, available to all TV stations- so check your local news.

Um, that doesn't sound good as far as reaching an agreement goes. If she isn't announcing that a deal has been reached, she is going to tell us what happens in a state shutdown.

Wow. Looks like they really are going to do this.

Other than that- not much coming through the media. The Scapegoat Panel met and adjourned this morning, awaiting orders.

A special House-Senate conference committee charged with coming up with an income tax compromise to help bail the state out of a fiscal crisis recessed within minutes this morning without taking action to avoid a partial government shutdown threatened for Monday.

"There is a lot going on," said Rep. Steve Tobocman, the Detroit Democrat who chairs the six-member panel. "I think everyone will do what they have to today to move Michigan forward."

The committee was in recess "at the call of the chair," meaning it could be quickly reassembled at anytime during the day.

Check in at 6:05 tonight and see what comes next.

UPDATE: Just as I published this (that always happens, I swear), word comes that Bishop goes to the media to try to blame Granholm because HE didn't get his job done. The guy, who passed a Senate rule to stay on vacation in July, is now crying about the consequences of taking all that time off.

If Bishop wants this continuation so bad, why doesn't he pass the revenue to support it?

"She's got the sign the continuation budget," the Rochester Republican told reporters at the Capitol.

"She has that tool in her toolbox right now. I've pleaded with her publicly and in private. She's got to sign it, there's too much danger to the state."

"Talk to the hand", says Liz.

"The governor is not going to let lawmakers force the state to spend money we don't have," said Liz Boyd, spokeswoman for Granholm.

Good. Hang tough Governor. This is yet another diversion by the legislature to avoid doing their job. Why give them 30 more days? So we can go through this all over again? No thanks.

Get the job done, lawmakers.

Added well after the fact-