Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy Blue Year 2008

Happy Blue Year '08

This is actually an old picture- but it kind of looks like that around here this morning, so what the heck.

I don't make "resolutions", but I do think about the things I want to accomplish in the new year. Setting goals, picking a direction- and then discovering that life is going to take you down paths that you never dreamed of...

I plan on bringing back this site with cross-posts from BFM, getting back to my personal reflections that people enjoyed in the first place, and, most important to me, taking more pictures of this beautiful state.

After two very hard years in the political blogging world, I've discovered that my ultimate goal, at this point, is to eventually get back "home". I can't see doing that forever, but I can see myself getting deeper into other creative ventures in blogging and photography.

Hard to tell. I just keep on keeping on, and let life take me where it will.

Happy New Year everyone!