Monday, November 03, 2008

Patience Is A Virtue


These door hangers are hitting my neighborhood in a big way. I took this picture yesterday a few blocks from my house; today I found one hanging on my door. They are out there, they are knocking, they are calling, they are getting everyone they know involved...

The wave is coming, and it is going to be huge.

This campaign has done a phenomenal job at GOTV efforts. Just amazing. This year, the problem won't be lack of interest, it just might be too much interest, all at once.

If you find yourself stuck in a long line to vote tomorrow, first of all, curse Mike Bishop under your breath, and second of all, please, ride it out. There will be a temptation to think that we have this locked up and your vote won't matter all that much, but nothing could be further from the truth. We need to make it a resounding victory, get all those down-ticket Dems in office, Hathaway on the Supreme Court, and those ballot proposals passed, and your vote matters a great deal in that regard.

Dress comfortable. Bring a book, magazine, your I-pod, whatever you want to pass the time. But be prepared for a wait. Absentee voting went through the roof this year-

If Saturday was any indication, the predictions of heavy turnout for the presidential race between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama seemed likely to come true.

Forty-six people showed up at Lansing's offsite absentee voter office in an hour Saturday morning. "I'm ready to vote!" exclaimed one woman.

In Grand Rapids, election officials processed 328 requests for an absentee ballot _ most of them were in-person requests. To date, the city has issued a record 13,282 absentee ballots, nearly 2,000 more than in 2004.

Lansing requests for absentee were 50% higher than 2004. Terri Lynn tells us the statewide prediction, and look at what they think is going to happen in Detroit-

Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land expects about 70 percent of Michigan's 7.5 million registered voters to vote. The greatest percentage turnout here was the 1960 presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. College towns in particular have seen jumps in voter registration this year.

In Detroit, officials expect 65 percent to 75 percent registered voters to cast ballots. That would be a significant increase from the 48 percent who voted in the 2004 presidential election.

Be in line by 8PM, and you are guaranteed to vote. Can the polls be ordered to stay open later? Good question - it has happened all over the country at different times for different reasons, we will see what plays out here tomorrow. This just might be the election that forces the Michigan Senate to finally move on voting reform.

Hang in there tomorrow, and make sure your voice is heard!