Saturday, July 31, 2004

Yahoo! News - U.S. Panel Says Intelligence Reforms Urgent
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government lacks a sense of urgency in making critical changes in the intelligence gathering and sharing needed to prevent terror attacks on America, top members of the Sept. 11 commission told Congress on Friday.

A White House task force will give Bush intelligence reform proposals that "will in some ways go beyond, I expect, what the 9/11 commission has recommended," a senior White House official said.

That's quite an ominous statement if you think about it.

"We find a desire to move ahead, but the whole government just is not acting with the urgency we think is required across the board, whether it's screening for cargo or checking airplane passengers or checking the air space or whatever," Hamilton told the hearing.

"Lots of good things have been done, but much, much more needs to be done. And what seems to us to be lacking is that real sense of urgency."

But...but...but..."America is safer!" Haven't you guys heard?