Friday, September 07, 2007

Bishop to come up with $1 billion in cuts

Not a lot of details yet, but this is breaking on WOOD. (Go Rick!)

LANSING -- Sen. Mike Bishop, the Senate Majority Leader, has released a new proposal to help what he calls a $1.7 billion deficit.

When the Legislature meets on Tuesday, he will ask his Republican-dominated Appropriations Committee to approve a billion dollars of cuts in next year's budget.

Was golf cancelled?

Wonder which group of poor folks Mikey is going to stick it to this time. Check the video of Albin's story here.

Also on WOOD- even more video. Extended statements from the main players that was filmed last night; unfortunately no Granholm or Schauer.

Andy Dillon can be found here.

Craig DeRoche (Craig, where's your tie?) here.

And Mike Bishop here.

UPDATE: MIRS has the list.

The list of cuts and eliminations provided to the media included:

- Comprehensive Transportation Funds $5.0 million

- Department of Community Health $78.6 million

- Department of Corrections $50.0 million

- Department of Human Services $116.8 million

- Other departmental cuts $23.4 million

- Early-out retirement $190 million

- State employee economics $75.4 million

Bishop also wants to remove the Governor's $332.7 million in departmental increases and is banking on $215 million in one-time money from a quirk in the new Michigan Business Tax (MBT) The House would have to make up the remaining $662.1 million either in cuts or revenue increases.

Utter lunacy.